Sunday, 29 March 2015

Why almost one-third of the Pinnacle Apartments have already sold

I learned today that almost one-third of the apartments at the Pinnacle have been sold already. This is a new development and I began to wonder why this should be the case.

What is it about this development that's attracting such positive interest from purchasers? I looked again at the location and immediately came to grips with why there is such demand for these apartments. I'll address some of these positive aspects in the next few blogs.

First up, one of the things I love about inner city Auckland is the large area of green space interspersed between its buildings. Bravo to our town planners, keeping these vital green spaces available for public use and enjoyment. The bonus is that you don't have to spend your weekends behind a lawn mower or on your knees weeding the garden - you can just enjoy the green space and the flower gardens.

 Just across the Grafton Bridge, within walking distance of the Pinnacle is The Domain, Auckland's oldest spacious and diverse park. If you're not inclined to walk, then it's just a quick trip down in the lift to your allocated car park and you have all of greater Auckland immediately at your disposal.

The Domain is home to the War Memorial Museum, which sits at the highest point of the 75-hectare park that has been developed around the cone of an extinct volcano. Take your time enjoying the exhibits at the museum and then perhaps arrange to meet friends or family for a quick bite to eat at the museum's in-house cafe. If you prefer, you could take High Tea at the Wintergarden Cafe or simply pop in at The Kiosk for a takeaway coffee. Take a leisurely walk around the grounds and feed your lunch leftovers to the ducks at the duck pond. Spend some quiet time at the Wintergardens enjoying the temperate or tropical glasshouse dependent upon the prevailing season.

There's something for everyone just across the bridge from the Pinnacle Apartments and I guess that's why almost a third of the apartments have sold.

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