The show space at Barrington is now open and the homes are selling fast.
One recent misty Saturday morning it was 'all hands on deck' as the show space came together at 554 Great North Road.
Signage had to be hung.
We don't envy these boys having to clamber on interesting rooftops. At least the rain held off even if the clouds did look ominous.
The homes had to be marked out 'on the ground' and developer, Craig Kells was just the man for the job. Plans, tape measure and spray paint in hand, he's made sure that when you're on site you can see exactly where your new home will sit.
We're all pleased at how the show space has turned out, so make sure you come on down and talk to Virgil about which of the beautiful homes on Barrington Road will suit your needs. There are also some homes with optional retail/office space facing out onto Great North Road.
There's car parking on site and the show space is open Saturday and Sunday 3-4pm or if you prefer to stay away from the weekend rush, Tuesday and Thursday 1-2pm. But don't leave it too long or you might miss out.
Check out the website today and give Virgil a call.